Now how many of you still go out to dinner with your friends. Or talk a walk around your neighborhood smiling at everyone you pass, or making conversation. How many of your kids still hang out with their friends everyday. And when they hang out, do they play video games or go outside? Do they go for a hike in the woods, or play at the park. Or do they watch videos on YouTube, or play games on their phones.
In your free time, how many of you have your eyes glued to a screen. Whether it's you phone, computer or tv.
Me? My phone is glued to my hand. I have it 24/7. I'm not supposed to use it in school, but at lunch, ill check Twitter or go on Instagram. Then when i get home, i'm on my computer. Yeah, maybe i'm doing homework or reading on it, but instead of reading a real book or using a textbook, i use my computer.
Technology is practically taking over the world. In ways, its amazing. We've found cures for diseases, made surgery easier, technology made cars, air conditioning, and refrigeration. But in other ways it's killing us. We spend more time on our phones, laptops, tablets, and TVs then we do with our families and friends.
Google recently made something called Google Glass. This is a picture. It is voice activated and you take pictures or videos by saying, "Glass record." or "Glass take a picture." It records things from a first person point of view. Then you have iPhone's Siri, Instead of looking it up yourself, you ask Siri and she reads it to you.
What happened to finding a word in a dictionary. What happened to going over a neighbor's house for dinner. What happened to playing a board game. Everything is now done using technology. With all of this new technology we become disconnected to the things that are most important in life.
Let me ask you one more question. You may live in an apartment building or in a neighborhood. The person across the street from you or on the other side of the hallway, do you know their name, or what kind of foods they like, do you know them at all?
If you cannot answer those question you should be able to see what i mean. The man who lives across the street from me, his name is Anthony. I don't know anything about him though. I don't know what kind of sports he likes, his favorite food or color. I don't know anything about him. I don't get out of my house, or off my computer and phone long enough to get to know my own neighbor. Isn't that bad?
Yes, technology can destroy our social lives sometimes, but the possibilities of what it can do for us are "exciting and endless". There are many pros and many cons to technology. How do you feel about it? What do you think will happen in 5 maybe 10 years? Whats going to come next?
Watch this video. It really is fascinating.