Wow... I'm sorry it's been so long... Well, I went to fright fest the other day with my mom and it was a blast. I cannot wait for Halloween! What's your favorite holiday?
So i promised picture but i'm having some issues getting them onto my computer. But as soon as i get them on, i will post them.
Now for another matter... YOURS TRULY COMES OUT IN ABOUT 45 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting 3 whole years for Ariana Grande to put out this album and finally it's here!!!
All the jokes, all the teases, all the times she said "Soon"... Well "soon" is finally here and Yours Truly is going to be huge!!!
Well...I'm now going to go fangirl with my friend over twitter and watch every single Arianator die because of the anxiety! So if you love me... go buy the album!!!!!! Please!!!
Now for another matter... YOURS TRULY COMES OUT IN ABOUT 45 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting 3 whole years for Ariana Grande to put out this album and finally it's here!!!
All the jokes, all the teases, all the times she said "Soon"... Well "soon" is finally here and Yours Truly is going to be huge!!!
Well...I'm now going to go fangirl with my friend over twitter and watch every single Arianator die because of the anxiety! So if you love me... go buy the album!!!!!! Please!!!
Oh year and guess what!!! I got tickets to go see Ariana Grande August 17!!!! I cant wait! Me and my best friend are going to go see her! I think August and September are going to be the best months of my life! So the concert is in August, Ari's album comes out in September and the NCIS season 11 premiers in September! I'm a little bit excited if you couldn't tell. Well watch the video. Its really really great!
In no way shape or form am i a Twilight fan. This one scene from Eclipse kept popping up into my head, and as i thought more and more about, i knew that it was completely true. I have to give them credit because this was a truly amazing scene.
So i'm writing a new story on FanFiction that kind of relates to this video. Its about graduation and i wrote a valedictory address for the story. This is it:
So i'm writing a new story on FanFiction that kind of relates to this video. Its about graduation and i wrote a valedictory address for the story. This is it:
“Life isn't about knowing exactly what you want to do, where
you want to go, who you’re going to be. It's not about taking a guess and following where it leads to. It’s
about making mistake, and learning from them. It’s about falling in love, and
getting your heart broken over and over again, until you find that one person. It’s
not going to be easy. There will be many obstacles, many mountains, many failures,
but I can promise you, that it is worth it. Because with every failure, you
will succeed in something much greater. People always looks for the reward in
life, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but sometimes there isn’t one.
Not everything in life will put a smile on your face. Sometimes you just have
to pick your head up and forget about it, because sometimes the journey is
greater than the reward. If I could tell you all something right now, it would
be to never take advantage of life. Don’t ever think that you can do it
tomorrow. Don’t ever put it off because you’re scared of what might happen. Take
the risk and do it now, because there may never be another tomorrow. After
today, we will never eat lunch in the Asphalt Café again, and we will never
open out lockers again. Soon enough, we will forget our combinations, then we
will forget faces, and forget names, and finally all of this, high school, will
be a memory. So in the time that we have left this summer, before college, take
too many picture, laugh too much, make memories you will never forget, because
every sixty seconds you waist upset, is a minute of happiness you can never get
back. So to the class of 2013, live your life to the fullest, never be afraid
because there may not be another tomorrow.”
The musical about wrong judgement, love, and true friendship, Wicked. I've wanted to see this musical since i was about 5. The tickets were always too much money and the one time i found cheap tickets for good seats and was able to go, Hurricane Sandy hit and flooded the tunnels to New York City. After waiting 8 years, you could imagine how devastated i was.
There is this one song that I've liked more than the rest. The one song that i think defines the whole musical, "For Good". Its a duet between Glinda and Elphaba. Glinda explains, its said that people come into your life to teach you a lesson, and she doesn't know if this is true, but she does know Elphaba is the reason she is who she is today. Elphaba then comes in. She says, they may never see each other again, but before she leaves, she needs to tell Glinda something. She says everything that she has become, is from what she learned from Glinda. She knows that their story, their friendship, is going to end, but she will never forget what Glinda did for her and how Glinda was her friend when nobody else was. Elphaba explains that she knows that Glinda has blamed her for a lot, but she asks for forgiveness for everything she has been blamed for. Glinda says, there is a lot of blame to share and i have made my own mistakes. Both then say that it doesn't matter anymore. The last line, the most powerful line throughout the song, because i knew you, i have been changed for good.
Hopefully after you listen to this song, it will remind you of someone...
My Day lol
My days are constantly the same. I wake up, get dressed, go to school (in the summer eat breakfast) come home (or sit doing nothing) then go to bed. Every time I wake up I do it all over again. I never really had anything to look forward to other than life itself... Seeing new things, some that are stupid and some that make my jaw drop. This school year was like my normal day. Doing nothing. I tried out for the school soccer team but ended up getting hurt. Then i started something new. I tried field hockey. I met some of the most amazing people, had the time of my life doing something fun, and made some memories I will never forget. I met this person during hockey. We became friends almost instantly. The year went by way too fast and we didn't talk as much as we should have. By the time the year was over there was nothing we could do. Today, after weeks of asking each other, we finally got together. We went to 6 Flags Great Adventure, we walked around and went on some rides. It was a blast. We ended up going to see an Otter Show. I knew she would like it because she has always wanted to be a marine biologist but honestly I have NEVER seen someone smile so much. I haven't had fun like today in years. I felt like I was a kid again. I went on a carousel. I'm 13 years old! I laughed the entire time with her, it was a blast. You know when you're a kid you just can't wait to grow up. You can't wait for your own freedom. But by the time you get to my age and older you wish you were a kid again. You wish that time didn't go by that fast or that you never grew up. You can't have fun like this. You can fool around. You always have to be serious or you're always trying to impress someone now. Today I didn't need to do any of that. I got to screw around. I didn't have to be someone else, I got to be me. I wish life was always that easy. I know that some of you are going to say "you don't have to be anyone but yourself" but we all know that that's not 100% true. Everyone wants to impress people. We become an entirely different person when we are with certain people. We don't want to. Its not fun and its not easy but impressions are important to us all. Today, I was me. No one else. I felt comfortable just being me. |
4th of July
Independence Day also know as 4th of July is the biggest celebration of summer. Families get together and go to the beach. BBQ's go on all day. Then at the end of the day, you sit back and watch the fireworks light up the night sky.
Every summer my family gets together. We do the whole beach and BBQ thing at my grandparent's beach house, then we sit out on the street in beach chairs and watch the fireworks that are set off on the bay. This year is going to be very different. Hurricane Sandy destroyed my grandparents beach house. They had to gut the entire first floor. We are a lot more lucky than other people. For the people who lost their homes, if i could, i'd go out and help... but being 13, there isn't much i can do. I hope you have an amazing weekend and i hope that things can get back to normal really soon.
It's driving me crazy because no one knows whats going to happen tomorrow. 4th of July is my favorite holiday. I like it more than Christmas... I know it's crazy but I get to go down to the beach, I get to watch the fireworks, and more importantly I get to make more memories with my family and friends. The laughs, the inside jokes, the serious and heart spilling conversations between me and my cousins. There is nothing like it.
I want you all to go out and have the time of your lives tomorrow. Go down to the beach. Go to the town parade. Have a BBQ. Blast music. Watch the fireworks with your loved ones. Make those memories, laugh too much, take too many pictures, because in 10 years you're going to need that to remember.
Have an amazing holiday and God Bless America!
Every summer my family gets together. We do the whole beach and BBQ thing at my grandparent's beach house, then we sit out on the street in beach chairs and watch the fireworks that are set off on the bay. This year is going to be very different. Hurricane Sandy destroyed my grandparents beach house. They had to gut the entire first floor. We are a lot more lucky than other people. For the people who lost their homes, if i could, i'd go out and help... but being 13, there isn't much i can do. I hope you have an amazing weekend and i hope that things can get back to normal really soon.
It's driving me crazy because no one knows whats going to happen tomorrow. 4th of July is my favorite holiday. I like it more than Christmas... I know it's crazy but I get to go down to the beach, I get to watch the fireworks, and more importantly I get to make more memories with my family and friends. The laughs, the inside jokes, the serious and heart spilling conversations between me and my cousins. There is nothing like it.
I want you all to go out and have the time of your lives tomorrow. Go down to the beach. Go to the town parade. Have a BBQ. Blast music. Watch the fireworks with your loved ones. Make those memories, laugh too much, take too many pictures, because in 10 years you're going to need that to remember.
Have an amazing holiday and God Bless America!
The phrase that some of us will never forget. The phrase that some of us don't know. The phrase that an everyday man said hoping to save many lives... "Let's Roll."

September 11th, 2001 is a day that every American knows. It's a day that none of us will ever forget. At 8:46 am, a plane crashed into the North Tower. At 9:03 am, a plane crashed into the South Tower. 2,996 people died that day and over 6000 were injured. Phone calls to family member were made as the towers fell, as the planes crashed, and as the NYPD and FDNY rushed in to help.
People say that the crime rate that week dropped to almost 0%. Druggies, bank robbers, criminals, homeless people, everyday civilians, stopped what they were doing to help. The President of the United States at that time, George Bush, flew out to New York City, rolled up his sleeves, got down on his hands and knees, and helped move the rubble. This horrible devastation brought together our communities, family, and friends.
We all know of the towers falling and the people who died in them. The things that aren't as well know are the two planes that crashed into the Pentagon and a field in Pittsburgh.
Flight 77 was hijacked and flown into the Pentagon. 5 hijackers took over a plane of 53 passengers and 6 crew members. It hit the Pentagon at 9:37 am.
Flight 93 was hijacked and flown towards either the White House or the Capitol. 3 hijackers took over a plane of 33 passengers and 7 crew members. Todd Beamer, an everyday man, and a few others decided they would storm the cabin. They knew it was a 50/50 chance. They could either take control of the plane and land it safely or crash. The very famous phrase, "Let's Roll." was said that day, by Todd Beamer. It was used as the first call to action against terrorism. These men and women risked they're lives for the good of others, more than likely knowing that they would go down in the fight.
Monuments were made throughout the country of this day. Songs were written after this. People remember those who died in 9/11. It is and always will be a day that we will never forget.
Well the school year is over and summer is here. Time for the beach, getting tan, barbecues, and lots of time with the friends and family.
You know, last year I couldn't wait to get out of school. I couldn't wait for summer. I didn't think about everything I had to lose. This year, I didn't want to leave. I thought that last year was the best year of my life...but I was so wrong. This past year, I have never had more fun. I'm sure that's going to change every year, but so far, this year was the best. Yea, there were some rough spots, some hard times, but I got through it. I met some of the most amazing people, strengthened some really important friendships, and learned who my real friends are. From playing 2 new sports (field hockey and softball) to just having classes with new people, I had a blast. The inside jokes, the stupid handshakes, the drama, it's something I will forget.
On Wednesday, I was late to every single one of my classes. After every class I met up with my best friend and we walked around, just talking. We had yearbook signing periods 1 & 2, and 3rd period started our actual classes. We were about 5 - 10 minutes late for 3rd period. It was great. I'm going to miss doing stuff like that next year.
My school year ended Wednesday. I woke up Thursday morning thinking it was Saturday. I couldn't get over the fact that the year was done. That 9 months went by so quickly and it seemed like there wasn't enough time to do anything.
I guess you never really understand how important taking pictures and making memories is until it's all over. Me... I'm not the picture type. I never have been. Sometimes I'll get in them, but usually I'm the one taking them. I took so many pictures on Wednesday it's not even funny. I took a picture with almost everyone I know and some that I don't. I forgot one person, the person who I'm going to need that picture with in a year or so. I realized that I don't have and pictures with her.
I saw a quote the other day. The beginning is good but the middle and most of the end related to this post.
It said:
As you grow up, you learn that even the one person that was never supposed to let you down, probably will. You will have you're heart broken probably more than once and every time, it's harder. You might even break hearts too, so remember what it felt like when you're heart was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for something an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast and you'll probably lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt. Because every 60 seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you can't get back.
So here's to a school year of learning. To meeting amazing friends. To making memories you will never forget.
Now go out and have the best summer of your life. Spend time with your family and friends. Watch the fireworks over the water. Make new memories. Take more pictures. And laugh way too much.
You know, last year I couldn't wait to get out of school. I couldn't wait for summer. I didn't think about everything I had to lose. This year, I didn't want to leave. I thought that last year was the best year of my life...but I was so wrong. This past year, I have never had more fun. I'm sure that's going to change every year, but so far, this year was the best. Yea, there were some rough spots, some hard times, but I got through it. I met some of the most amazing people, strengthened some really important friendships, and learned who my real friends are. From playing 2 new sports (field hockey and softball) to just having classes with new people, I had a blast. The inside jokes, the stupid handshakes, the drama, it's something I will forget.
On Wednesday, I was late to every single one of my classes. After every class I met up with my best friend and we walked around, just talking. We had yearbook signing periods 1 & 2, and 3rd period started our actual classes. We were about 5 - 10 minutes late for 3rd period. It was great. I'm going to miss doing stuff like that next year.
My school year ended Wednesday. I woke up Thursday morning thinking it was Saturday. I couldn't get over the fact that the year was done. That 9 months went by so quickly and it seemed like there wasn't enough time to do anything.
I guess you never really understand how important taking pictures and making memories is until it's all over. Me... I'm not the picture type. I never have been. Sometimes I'll get in them, but usually I'm the one taking them. I took so many pictures on Wednesday it's not even funny. I took a picture with almost everyone I know and some that I don't. I forgot one person, the person who I'm going to need that picture with in a year or so. I realized that I don't have and pictures with her.
I saw a quote the other day. The beginning is good but the middle and most of the end related to this post.
It said:
As you grow up, you learn that even the one person that was never supposed to let you down, probably will. You will have you're heart broken probably more than once and every time, it's harder. You might even break hearts too, so remember what it felt like when you're heart was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for something an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast and you'll probably lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt. Because every 60 seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you can't get back.
So here's to a school year of learning. To meeting amazing friends. To making memories you will never forget.
Now go out and have the best summer of your life. Spend time with your family and friends. Watch the fireworks over the water. Make new memories. Take more pictures. And laugh way too much.
Have a great summer!!!
Saying "thank you" seems simple, right? But giving a heart felt "thank you" is one of the most difficult things to do. Working up the nerve to say it to them takes a lot. Then all of the questions... Do you call, text, email, or say it to their face? Do you write out a letter or a note? How do you show that person how thankful you are for everything they did?
I have a friend that i need to thank for a lot of things. After this summer i don't know if i will see her again, and that kills me. Working up the nerve to stand in front of her and tell her everything, how thankful i am to have her as a friend, how much she means to me, all of that, its hard.
For a person like me, showing your feelings, whether its to a friend, to your family, to your crush, is hard. You sit and think about all that can go wrong. How that person will react. If your going to ruin everything or make it better. There are so many "if's". Those "If's" get to your head, and stop you from doing what needs to be done. There are risks in everything that you do. You can screw up everything... but why is this more difficult than everything else?
It's easy to say "thank you" in the moment. Right after someone does something for you. But that "thank you" is simple. It doesn't really mean a lot. I've asked people how to do it. They say just to get it over with. But it's more difficult than that. I've seen YouTube video's on it. But it's always more difficult than that.
I do know what i'm going to do with my friend.
This video is quite emotional. But it gets to the point. It's only a couple of minutes and i think you guys need to watch it. Whoever made this video, they are one great friend...
I have a friend that i need to thank for a lot of things. After this summer i don't know if i will see her again, and that kills me. Working up the nerve to stand in front of her and tell her everything, how thankful i am to have her as a friend, how much she means to me, all of that, its hard.
For a person like me, showing your feelings, whether its to a friend, to your family, to your crush, is hard. You sit and think about all that can go wrong. How that person will react. If your going to ruin everything or make it better. There are so many "if's". Those "If's" get to your head, and stop you from doing what needs to be done. There are risks in everything that you do. You can screw up everything... but why is this more difficult than everything else?
It's easy to say "thank you" in the moment. Right after someone does something for you. But that "thank you" is simple. It doesn't really mean a lot. I've asked people how to do it. They say just to get it over with. But it's more difficult than that. I've seen YouTube video's on it. But it's always more difficult than that.
I do know what i'm going to do with my friend.
This video is quite emotional. But it gets to the point. It's only a couple of minutes and i think you guys need to watch it. Whoever made this video, they are one great friend...
I walk through the halls of my school and see some amazing people. The problem is, those people don't know how great they are.
If you go on any social networking site, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, ect. I guarantee, you will see at least 4 out of 10 posts have something saying, they wish they were prettier, or they wish they were skinnier, or they wish someone had a crush on them. Yes, these are all things a girl would say. But that's were the problem is. Girls look at these super skinny models and extremely pretty people and wish to be like the. That's not how it should be.
After see these people, and wanting to be like them, they do everything possible to look like them. Some will stop eating, become anorexic or bulimic. Some will wear tons of make up. But does this need to happen? Who are they trying to impress? If it's a guy, and they only want the girl for their looks, they don't deserve her. A man should think that a girl without make up is more beautiful than one with tons on. A man should think that a girl who isn't 70 pounds is more beautiful than one who is.
If it's bullying, people saying your not pretty enough, or your too fat, don't listen to them. Don't try to impress other people, because you will never satisfy them. They can always find something else. Were not meant to be perfect. Were meant to have flaws and get past them.
Everyone is beautiful. I don't care if you think you look hideous, personality is half the battle. People should like you because of the way you are, not the way you look. The way you treat people, the way you act, the way you can help others, that's what matters. Not how you look. Remember that.
Reason im writing this is, i had an argument with my friend. She had posted a picture on Twitter saying she was ugly. Me and another one of here followers refused to say that. Half of this is what i told her.
All of you are beautiful. Every single one of you.
If you go on any social networking site, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, ect. I guarantee, you will see at least 4 out of 10 posts have something saying, they wish they were prettier, or they wish they were skinnier, or they wish someone had a crush on them. Yes, these are all things a girl would say. But that's were the problem is. Girls look at these super skinny models and extremely pretty people and wish to be like the. That's not how it should be.
After see these people, and wanting to be like them, they do everything possible to look like them. Some will stop eating, become anorexic or bulimic. Some will wear tons of make up. But does this need to happen? Who are they trying to impress? If it's a guy, and they only want the girl for their looks, they don't deserve her. A man should think that a girl without make up is more beautiful than one with tons on. A man should think that a girl who isn't 70 pounds is more beautiful than one who is.
If it's bullying, people saying your not pretty enough, or your too fat, don't listen to them. Don't try to impress other people, because you will never satisfy them. They can always find something else. Were not meant to be perfect. Were meant to have flaws and get past them.
Everyone is beautiful. I don't care if you think you look hideous, personality is half the battle. People should like you because of the way you are, not the way you look. The way you treat people, the way you act, the way you can help others, that's what matters. Not how you look. Remember that.
Reason im writing this is, i had an argument with my friend. She had posted a picture on Twitter saying she was ugly. Me and another one of here followers refused to say that. Half of this is what i told her.
All of you are beautiful. Every single one of you.
As humans we tend to take advantage of what we have. We don't appreciate the all the amazing things we have in our lives. And one day when its gone, we regret not telling the people we love how we feel. Or telling a friend how much you appreciate them. Thanking them for being there no matter what.
There's a saying, "You don't know what you have, until it's gone." I don't think that's 100% true. I think we all know what we have, but we don't think were going to lose it.
There has been some things going on lately that's made me think. My best friend is moving, my grandma's in the hospital, and the school year is ending. Most of my friends are moving up a grade and i wont be seeing them. What's going to happen if i never talk to my best friend again? What happens if i don't talk to the people moving up a grade again?
How many of you have regret not saying something. Keeping it to yourself not knowing what the other's reaction will be. I think there is at least one thing everyone regrets not saying. It could be, "I love you." or "Goodbye." maybe even "Thank you for everything you've done for me."
Life's to short to hold back. To keep things to yourself because your scared how someone might react. The people you care about most, can be in and out of your life in the snap of a finger. You have to honest and say what needs to be said. Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect. You may regret it if you don't.
So, to my best friend, thank you for everything. Thank you for being there. Thank you for seeing my flaws and valuing them as much as my strengths. Thank you for loving me like a sister.
To my other friends, thank you. You are all amazing. You all have been great friends and i hope to continue talking to you for a while.
To my grandma, i love you more than anything. I love the Saturday night TV nights, and playing the piano together. You are amazing.
To my family, i love you all. No matter how mad i get at you, you've always been there. And i know you always will. When it comes to friends, they will go in and out of your life, but family will always be by your side. Thanks.
To the people reading this, go tell someone you love them. Go thank your best friend. Go give your mom or dad a hug. Don't waste a moment, i assure you, you will regret it.
There's a saying, "You don't know what you have, until it's gone." I don't think that's 100% true. I think we all know what we have, but we don't think were going to lose it.
There has been some things going on lately that's made me think. My best friend is moving, my grandma's in the hospital, and the school year is ending. Most of my friends are moving up a grade and i wont be seeing them. What's going to happen if i never talk to my best friend again? What happens if i don't talk to the people moving up a grade again?
How many of you have regret not saying something. Keeping it to yourself not knowing what the other's reaction will be. I think there is at least one thing everyone regrets not saying. It could be, "I love you." or "Goodbye." maybe even "Thank you for everything you've done for me."
Life's to short to hold back. To keep things to yourself because your scared how someone might react. The people you care about most, can be in and out of your life in the snap of a finger. You have to honest and say what needs to be said. Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect. You may regret it if you don't.
So, to my best friend, thank you for everything. Thank you for being there. Thank you for seeing my flaws and valuing them as much as my strengths. Thank you for loving me like a sister.
To my other friends, thank you. You are all amazing. You all have been great friends and i hope to continue talking to you for a while.
To my grandma, i love you more than anything. I love the Saturday night TV nights, and playing the piano together. You are amazing.
To my family, i love you all. No matter how mad i get at you, you've always been there. And i know you always will. When it comes to friends, they will go in and out of your life, but family will always be by your side. Thanks.
To the people reading this, go tell someone you love them. Go thank your best friend. Go give your mom or dad a hug. Don't waste a moment, i assure you, you will regret it.
How many of you have smart phones, or laptops or touch screen computers. Maybe Windows 8 computers or tablets. The new technology. Probably most of you would answer, "Me." Right?
Now how many of you still go out to dinner with your friends. Or talk a walk around your neighborhood smiling at everyone you pass, or making conversation. How many of your kids still hang out with their friends everyday. And when they hang out, do they play video games or go outside? Do they go for a hike in the woods, or play at the park. Or do they watch videos on YouTube, or play games on their phones.
In your free time, how many of you have your eyes glued to a screen. Whether it's you phone, computer or tv.
Me? My phone is glued to my hand. I have it 24/7. I'm not supposed to use it in school, but at lunch, ill check Twitter or go on Instagram. Then when i get home, i'm on my computer. Yeah, maybe i'm doing homework or reading on it, but instead of reading a real book or using a textbook, i use my computer.
Technology is practically taking over the world. In ways, its amazing. We've found cures for diseases, made surgery easier, technology made cars, air conditioning, and refrigeration. But in other ways it's killing us. We spend more time on our phones, laptops, tablets, and TVs then we do with our families and friends.
Google recently made something called Google Glass. This is a picture. It is voice activated and you take pictures or videos by saying, "Glass record." or "Glass take a picture." It records things from a first person point of view. Then you have iPhone's Siri, Instead of looking it up yourself, you ask Siri and she reads it to you.
What happened to finding a word in a dictionary. What happened to going over a neighbor's house for dinner. What happened to playing a board game. Everything is now done using technology. With all of this new technology we become disconnected to the things that are most important in life.
Let me ask you one more question. You may live in an apartment building or in a neighborhood. The person across the street from you or on the other side of the hallway, do you know their name, or what kind of foods they like, do you know them at all?
If you cannot answer those question you should be able to see what i mean. The man who lives across the street from me, his name is Anthony. I don't know anything about him though. I don't know what kind of sports he likes, his favorite food or color. I don't know anything about him. I don't get out of my house, or off my computer and phone long enough to get to know my own neighbor. Isn't that bad?
Yes, technology can destroy our social lives sometimes, but the possibilities of what it can do for us are "exciting and endless". There are many pros and many cons to technology. How do you feel about it? What do you think will happen in 5 maybe 10 years? Whats going to come next?
Watch this video. It really is fascinating.
Now how many of you still go out to dinner with your friends. Or talk a walk around your neighborhood smiling at everyone you pass, or making conversation. How many of your kids still hang out with their friends everyday. And when they hang out, do they play video games or go outside? Do they go for a hike in the woods, or play at the park. Or do they watch videos on YouTube, or play games on their phones.
In your free time, how many of you have your eyes glued to a screen. Whether it's you phone, computer or tv.
Me? My phone is glued to my hand. I have it 24/7. I'm not supposed to use it in school, but at lunch, ill check Twitter or go on Instagram. Then when i get home, i'm on my computer. Yeah, maybe i'm doing homework or reading on it, but instead of reading a real book or using a textbook, i use my computer.
Technology is practically taking over the world. In ways, its amazing. We've found cures for diseases, made surgery easier, technology made cars, air conditioning, and refrigeration. But in other ways it's killing us. We spend more time on our phones, laptops, tablets, and TVs then we do with our families and friends.
Google recently made something called Google Glass. This is a picture. It is voice activated and you take pictures or videos by saying, "Glass record." or "Glass take a picture." It records things from a first person point of view. Then you have iPhone's Siri, Instead of looking it up yourself, you ask Siri and she reads it to you.
What happened to finding a word in a dictionary. What happened to going over a neighbor's house for dinner. What happened to playing a board game. Everything is now done using technology. With all of this new technology we become disconnected to the things that are most important in life.
Let me ask you one more question. You may live in an apartment building or in a neighborhood. The person across the street from you or on the other side of the hallway, do you know their name, or what kind of foods they like, do you know them at all?
If you cannot answer those question you should be able to see what i mean. The man who lives across the street from me, his name is Anthony. I don't know anything about him though. I don't know what kind of sports he likes, his favorite food or color. I don't know anything about him. I don't get out of my house, or off my computer and phone long enough to get to know my own neighbor. Isn't that bad?
Yes, technology can destroy our social lives sometimes, but the possibilities of what it can do for us are "exciting and endless". There are many pros and many cons to technology. How do you feel about it? What do you think will happen in 5 maybe 10 years? Whats going to come next?
Watch this video. It really is fascinating.
Lets talk about cliques. You know the high school groups. You have the jocks, the populars, the brains, the geeks, the outsiders and more. They all have a stereotype right? The jocks are the football or sports players who don't know a lot. The populars don't care about anything but there looks and they treat everyone like crap. They usually aren't smart. The brains are the smart ones who can fit in with some other people. The geeks are the really smart ones that no one talks to. The outsiders are the ones who just hang with their group and don't bother with anyone else.
TV shows take these cliques and make people believe all of these stereotypes. All of the shows about high school and middle school do it. There's GLEE, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, Victorious and every other show really. Are these cliques really what everyone thinks they are?
Not really! I'm the kind of person who doesn't want to be part of a group. I get great grades, i play sports, i love science and math, i have a lot of popular friends, i have friends who are not popular, and i've worked with the kids with down syndrome and other problems. In my mind everyone is the same. Plus, the jocks in most schools have great grades and are smart because if they weren't they couldn't play. The popluar girls aren't dumb, they are really smart and nice. The brains can talk to anyone, everyone likes them because they are nice. The geeks are often friends with the populars because they helped them with homework or something. Then the outsiders, there really aren't any. These cliques that everyone thinks they are part of, well they aren't like you see on TV.
Some of my greatest friends are popular and they care more about other people then themselves. That's why they are popular. Then i have other amazing friends who are no where near popular, but the don't care.
Completely changing subject, but i do that a lot. Ok, so the other night Ariana Grande's new single the was came out. In just 7 hours it hit #1 on iTunes. I guess that's what happens when you have 5.4 million followers on Twitter. Then 2 days later on the 28th, the music video came out! This song is amazing! So like ive said in the past 3 posts, GO BUY IT, LISTEN TO IT, WATCH THE VIDEO, TELL YOUR FRIENDS, DO SOMETHING !! Ok well have a happy Easter, bye guys!
TV shows take these cliques and make people believe all of these stereotypes. All of the shows about high school and middle school do it. There's GLEE, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, Victorious and every other show really. Are these cliques really what everyone thinks they are?
Not really! I'm the kind of person who doesn't want to be part of a group. I get great grades, i play sports, i love science and math, i have a lot of popular friends, i have friends who are not popular, and i've worked with the kids with down syndrome and other problems. In my mind everyone is the same. Plus, the jocks in most schools have great grades and are smart because if they weren't they couldn't play. The popluar girls aren't dumb, they are really smart and nice. The brains can talk to anyone, everyone likes them because they are nice. The geeks are often friends with the populars because they helped them with homework or something. Then the outsiders, there really aren't any. These cliques that everyone thinks they are part of, well they aren't like you see on TV.
Some of my greatest friends are popular and they care more about other people then themselves. That's why they are popular. Then i have other amazing friends who are no where near popular, but the don't care.
Completely changing subject, but i do that a lot. Ok, so the other night Ariana Grande's new single the was came out. In just 7 hours it hit #1 on iTunes. I guess that's what happens when you have 5.4 million followers on Twitter. Then 2 days later on the 28th, the music video came out! This song is amazing! So like ive said in the past 3 posts, GO BUY IT, LISTEN TO IT, WATCH THE VIDEO, TELL YOUR FRIENDS, DO SOMETHING !! Ok well have a happy Easter, bye guys!
So, its spring. For some of you that means the happy lovely weather, the sitting outside with a glass of lemonade and humming to a radio. And for others, it means snow. March 20th is the first day of spring, that means free Ritas and nice weather...Right? Well not exactly. I walk out of school with my friends into snow. The second day of spring there is snow. Then this morning the puddles are frozen solid... In my mind that isn't right.
I want summer all ready. No homework, more friends time, beach time and warmth! WARMTH!!! I want to go to the beach and have a fun time. I want to go boogie boarding with my cousins. I want to have watermelon on the 4th of July and watch the fireworks... I mean who wouldn't. Comment, SPRING, SUMMER, WINTER or FALL and give me some reasons.
I want summer all ready. No homework, more friends time, beach time and warmth! WARMTH!!! I want to go to the beach and have a fun time. I want to go boogie boarding with my cousins. I want to have watermelon on the 4th of July and watch the fireworks... I mean who wouldn't. Comment, SPRING, SUMMER, WINTER or FALL and give me some reasons.
Ok and also!!!! Drum roll please....! In 4 days the most amazing, awesomest, greatest song in the world comes out. (I dont think awesomest is a word but you get my point)! "The Way" by Ariana Grande is coming out in 4 days!!!! On March 25 i am literally staying up until midnight so i can buy it as soon as it comes out the 26th! People go listen to it, buy it, do something when it comes out!!!!!! I am literally so excited. In a couple years when Ariana Grande is standing on stage getting a grammy, I'll be able to say i've been here since 2007 and i'm going to be proud to say it!
So Happy Easter to those who celebrate! And Happy Passover to those who celebrate! I hope you all have a great holiday. BYE!!
Man has it been a long time... Sorry about that guys. So lets do some quote pictures!
Ok, HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!! Well, belated... but its better late than never right! So, ready for some good news!!!!! ARIANA GRANDE'S NEW SINGLE IS COMING OUT ON MARCH 26!!!
The song is called "The Way" and it is Ariana Grande and Mac Miller! I honestly cannot wait! So go buy it, go listen to it, go trend it on twitter! Go do something that has to do with "The Way" on March 26th!!
Nobody understands how much i miss field hockey! Being on a team is great, its amazing! You make so many new friends, so many memories. At practice me and the other goalie made a hand shake type thing with our sticks and we would do it before every game and every time we won a compaction at practice. At the end of the season we had one last practice where we did 2 on 1's (Goalie vs. 2 midfielders) and 1 on 1's (Goalie vs. midfielder). Then who ever lost had to run to the end of the field and back. It was great. But i think the best part was the bus rides. I sat with my two friends in the last seats of the bus. We would talk about everything, we became amazing friends! One time we were on our way home from a game we had just won and "We Are Never Getting Back Together" by Taylor Swift came on. It was hysterical! Everyone on the bus broke out singing at the top of their lungs. All of those few months was amazing. The competitions, the laughs, the game faces, the quotes, the wins, and even the losses.
What sucks in the 8th graders are moving on to high school next year. The B team is now going to be the A team and we are going to meet completely new people. That was the best team i have ever been on!
So people are always asking me: Soccer or Field Hockey?
I've played both, i played soccer for 7 and 1/2 years and field hockey for 3 months. What do you think my answer will be? If you guessed soccer, you are so wrong. I loved playing soccer but when i walked off the field at the end of the day i was glad it was over. But with field hockey, i walk off the field wishing it wasn't over. If it wasn't for my mom and the coach i wouldn't have played. I didn't want to because of the skirts, I'm kind of a tomboy, not a lot but i wont wear a skirt. I hurt my leg the first day of tryouts in soccer and i didn't go the next day because of that so i didn't make the team. My mom practically begged me to try field hockey. She told me playing a school sport is so much better that playing on a rec. team because you see your team mates everyday. You can talk with them and get to know them more and your relationships get stronger. She was right! Anyway, we are playing basketball in gym and we had to warm up by shuffling across the gym. I was really good at it because i did it a lot for soccer. My gym teacher who is the field hockey coach comes up to me once i was done and asks me to play for the team. I figure i would give it a chance. And i did! I think i would wear a skirt just to play on this team if i had to. I love it that much.
What sucks in the 8th graders are moving on to high school next year. The B team is now going to be the A team and we are going to meet completely new people. That was the best team i have ever been on!
So people are always asking me: Soccer or Field Hockey?
I've played both, i played soccer for 7 and 1/2 years and field hockey for 3 months. What do you think my answer will be? If you guessed soccer, you are so wrong. I loved playing soccer but when i walked off the field at the end of the day i was glad it was over. But with field hockey, i walk off the field wishing it wasn't over. If it wasn't for my mom and the coach i wouldn't have played. I didn't want to because of the skirts, I'm kind of a tomboy, not a lot but i wont wear a skirt. I hurt my leg the first day of tryouts in soccer and i didn't go the next day because of that so i didn't make the team. My mom practically begged me to try field hockey. She told me playing a school sport is so much better that playing on a rec. team because you see your team mates everyday. You can talk with them and get to know them more and your relationships get stronger. She was right! Anyway, we are playing basketball in gym and we had to warm up by shuffling across the gym. I was really good at it because i did it a lot for soccer. My gym teacher who is the field hockey coach comes up to me once i was done and asks me to play for the team. I figure i would give it a chance. And i did! I think i would wear a skirt just to play on this team if i had to. I love it that much.
- There are some people who dont have what it takes to play field hockey-the polite term fer this people are-soccer players. (I know I played but when you get a stick to your stomach you'll understand...)
- Before the home run...before the layup...before the slap shot...there was a ball and a stick.
- Field Hockey is the sport where hearts are broken, sticks are broken, and backs are broken , and and every player comes back for more.
- Breathe In, Bleed Out...Play On!
- Simply wanting to win means nothing. Dedication, determination, hard work and heart gets it done!
- We are more than just chicks with sticks...we got BALLS too.
The last and the first are my favorites!
How do you know when your doing the right thing? I mean doesn't it seem that when you do something you think is right at the time, you always seem to regret it. You never know and you can lose a lot because of it. I have a lot of favorite quotes, a lot of them i can relate to. These are three that i really like.
"God doesn't give the people you want, he gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to make you the person you were meant to be." - Anon
"Follow your heart but make sure you brain goes with you." - Anon
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they are right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe
So i read these three quotes the other day. It was so weird, i found them on Twitter. I had just had a fight with my friend and i was thinking about what to do. I read them in the order they are in above. I knew what i had to do. I know it sounds weird, listening to a quote to help you in life. But it helped, i read them, i got the opinion of my best friend, and i blasted music. Now, I'm happy i did what i did.friends are the people who will stick by your side through the ups and downs. No matter what happens they will be there for you, or they aren't real friends. So if it comes down to a choice, follow your heart, but make sure your brain goes with you so you don't do anything stupid.
I have a question. Have you ever read a quote that related to something happening in your life? Did it change the way you were thinking or did it make you even more sure you were doing the right thing?
Leave a comment with some of your favorite quotes. I'd like to read some of them.
"God doesn't give the people you want, he gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to make you the person you were meant to be." - Anon
"Follow your heart but make sure you brain goes with you." - Anon
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they are right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe
So i read these three quotes the other day. It was so weird, i found them on Twitter. I had just had a fight with my friend and i was thinking about what to do. I read them in the order they are in above. I knew what i had to do. I know it sounds weird, listening to a quote to help you in life. But it helped, i read them, i got the opinion of my best friend, and i blasted music. Now, I'm happy i did what i did.friends are the people who will stick by your side through the ups and downs. No matter what happens they will be there for you, or they aren't real friends. So if it comes down to a choice, follow your heart, but make sure your brain goes with you so you don't do anything stupid.
I have a question. Have you ever read a quote that related to something happening in your life? Did it change the way you were thinking or did it make you even more sure you were doing the right thing?
Leave a comment with some of your favorite quotes. I'd like to read some of them.
Ok!!! So this is going to be short because i have A LOT of homework but i wanted to tell you something! So hopefully everyone who reads this blog knows i LOVE Ariana Grande! So i have been waiting for about 2 weeks for this to come but it finally came! She has a web-store and i had bought a snap back from her site! I couldn't wait for it to come!!! It finally came!!!! She has 2, one is a clique snap back and the other is a creepy moon face which only arianators (Ariana's fans) would understand... So here are the pics of both! I got the CLIQUE one and i love it!!!
Bye, i seriously need to post more... sorry but i promise i will!
Ok so there is this movie.... it's called Pitch Perfect! It is amazing!!!! You all have to go watch it but if you haven't seen The Breakfast Club watch that first! Over all it is an amazing movie with an amazing sound track! Seriously i think everyone needs to watch it.
Completely changing subject but i do that all the time! Hahaha! I haven't stopped reading fanfictions, they are addicting! Even though Victorious is over there are so many Cat and Robbie fanfics. And for any or you who want to read a really really really good story, there is this one called Here's 2 Us by Knowmynamenotmystory! But you may need a box of tissues for the last chapter! All of that authors stuff is amazing! Speaking of stories, have you ever read something and really wanted other books like it. I can find all of these books about the popular guy falling for the unpopular girl but what about the other way around. And how many books are there about best friends falling in love! Grr i want more books like that.
OK, other than my anger over there not being those kinds of books, I've had a pretty amazing day. First my mom makes me Sheppard's Pie for lunch! Then i play my friend in volleyball during gym, and beat her. Then i come home and watch Pitch Perfect. Lastly i make my best friend smile while blasting music! Best day ever! So far my weeks been great! The only thing that could make it better is a red velvet cupcake! .... I WISH! Never gonna happen! So i know im a bit late but how was everyone's Valentines Day!?!? I spent mine with my family, and got a box of chocolates from my sister! It was cool. Ok well im going to go to bed. I know this is kind of a nonsense post but i figure id put something out there so you didnt get bored! I'll post again tomorrow with a more thought out post! Goodnight guys!
Completely changing subject but i do that all the time! Hahaha! I haven't stopped reading fanfictions, they are addicting! Even though Victorious is over there are so many Cat and Robbie fanfics. And for any or you who want to read a really really really good story, there is this one called Here's 2 Us by Knowmynamenotmystory! But you may need a box of tissues for the last chapter! All of that authors stuff is amazing! Speaking of stories, have you ever read something and really wanted other books like it. I can find all of these books about the popular guy falling for the unpopular girl but what about the other way around. And how many books are there about best friends falling in love! Grr i want more books like that.
OK, other than my anger over there not being those kinds of books, I've had a pretty amazing day. First my mom makes me Sheppard's Pie for lunch! Then i play my friend in volleyball during gym, and beat her. Then i come home and watch Pitch Perfect. Lastly i make my best friend smile while blasting music! Best day ever! So far my weeks been great! The only thing that could make it better is a red velvet cupcake! .... I WISH! Never gonna happen! So i know im a bit late but how was everyone's Valentines Day!?!? I spent mine with my family, and got a box of chocolates from my sister! It was cool. Ok well im going to go to bed. I know this is kind of a nonsense post but i figure id put something out there so you didnt get bored! I'll post again tomorrow with a more thought out post! Goodnight guys!
So, it's Valentines Day...
Lol more like "alone in life day" at least for some of us! But for others you spend the day with the love of your life! I got asked a question the other day. It was "how do you know when your in love?"
Is there really an answer for that. People can try to explain it by saying you get butterflies or you feel that spark. But you cant describe love, you just know.
So what are peoples plans! I spent the day in my room blasting music! People asked me today who my valentine was and my three answers were, Ariana Grande songs, Cabbie Fan-Fictions, and my room! The two things i love the most! BEST DAY EVER!!!
Ok so in gym today we had to run around the gym for 45 minutes. You running with friends is fun but seriously running in circles stinks! I am so tired we would walk for like a minute after running for 7 minutes straight... For those of you who don't know im not in the best shape and i cant run much. I hate gym... no i take that back i actually love it.
Total change of subject but i do that a lot! You know what i hate... when you fess up and you have to wait to see the persons response.... GRRR i hate it!
Ok. So happy Valentines day this was just kinda of a random post so i could say Happy VDay! But here's 3 of my favorite love quotes!
Lol more like "alone in life day" at least for some of us! But for others you spend the day with the love of your life! I got asked a question the other day. It was "how do you know when your in love?"
Is there really an answer for that. People can try to explain it by saying you get butterflies or you feel that spark. But you cant describe love, you just know.
So what are peoples plans! I spent the day in my room blasting music! People asked me today who my valentine was and my three answers were, Ariana Grande songs, Cabbie Fan-Fictions, and my room! The two things i love the most! BEST DAY EVER!!!
Ok so in gym today we had to run around the gym for 45 minutes. You running with friends is fun but seriously running in circles stinks! I am so tired we would walk for like a minute after running for 7 minutes straight... For those of you who don't know im not in the best shape and i cant run much. I hate gym... no i take that back i actually love it.
Total change of subject but i do that a lot! You know what i hate... when you fess up and you have to wait to see the persons response.... GRRR i hate it!
Ok. So happy Valentines day this was just kinda of a random post so i could say Happy VDay! But here's 3 of my favorite love quotes!
- "Love is blind and friendship is the thing that closes its eyes."
- "You know your in love when you cant fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
- "Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eyes."
Sorry you guys know how i am with Ariana and Cabbie! I just had to add those! Love you all! Have an amazing Valentines Days!
So many of my friends have challenged me, saying that i cannot quote over 10 things form Victorious. Well every time i prove them wrong. So here are 10 of my favorite quotes from Victorious!! And no im not looking these up, i know its bad but i know them off the top of my head.
- "Cat you line started with an S." - "Salami" - "It's too late now." - "I hate my life!" - "Here's a piece of candy" - "Ooo, I love candy!!!!!"
- "Can i tell you a secret?" - "Sure." - (Robbie kisses Cat and she runs)
- "Don't worry there's nothing wrong with me. I'm doing this on purpose!.... Todoo" - "It's Tadaa"
- "I wonder why its called a restroom?" - "Yea it's not like people take naps on toilets..." - "My grandma does..." - "So does my brother! Up top!"
- "I insist you tell me who sat on me crumpet!"
- "Can we try it again without physical assault."
- "Ok well i sing. My throat is an instrument... im a throat player."
- "Ladies please. It's not about the raisins, or the bran... its about the future and living your dreams, and there goes the legs!"
- "Trina's in denile." - "Ugg, your still on that!" - "She loves me!" - "It was a stage kiss she was acting!" - "You didn't feel the kiss! A girl cant fake that kind of heat! I dont care if she tells me a thousand times that it didnt mean anything beca-" (Cat kisses Robbie to prove her point.) - "See." - "I want you to meet my parents..." - (Cat practically gags on her food.)
I think #3 and #10 are my favorites, you know because of Cabbie! Haha! So anyone who says i cant... trust me i can! Ive done more that 20 in a couple of minutes! I love this show and i kinda stinks its over but...
Anyway Does everyone like my new header and layout! My grandma made it for me! Were going to make more stuff today so i might put some up! Leave some comments about the header! I think its awesome! Lol!!
Kk so i might post again tomorrow too, so talk to you guys soon!
So for those of you who haven't read Where The Red Fern Grows, you need to go read it. Like right now!
It is an amazing book. It really does show you how a mans BEST friend is a dog. How animals can change a persons life. We had just finished it in school today and i was reading some things on it and found this on ! It says:
"Red, of course, is the color of blood and the heart, and serves as a symbol of the dogs' deep love, their strong will power, and their sacrificial intimacy with each other and Billy. Rawls withholds, however, the meaning of the novel's red title."
Before it gives some examples but i didnt want to give away the ending! I couldn't believe that i didn't figure that out. But, really this is an amazing book so you need to go read it!
I have read a lot of stories, books, small one shots, all of that stuff. There have been only about 4 things that have made me think. When i say think i mean, its something i can relate to and it makes me think about something that's happened or is happening in my life. Ive had pets that have died and it's crushing. I have a dog who means the world to me and this book made me want to hug her and not stop.
This book has ways of saying things without you realizing it. This book is kind of about religion. It's basted off of how the main character, Billy, leans towards praying and god to help fix his problems. He prays for the help of getting his dogs, and he prays that his dogs don't get hurt. In the end it shows that sometimes things just have to happen and there is no stopping it. That all people suffer or go though something difficult and that it changes who you are. It makes you a better person and how you should enjoy the times your having because they may not last long.
There's this Dr. Seuss that i live by. It's a pretty famous one so you should know it but it relates a lot to the book:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
Im not joking, i literally live by that quote!
It is an amazing book. It really does show you how a mans BEST friend is a dog. How animals can change a persons life. We had just finished it in school today and i was reading some things on it and found this on ! It says:
"Red, of course, is the color of blood and the heart, and serves as a symbol of the dogs' deep love, their strong will power, and their sacrificial intimacy with each other and Billy. Rawls withholds, however, the meaning of the novel's red title."
Before it gives some examples but i didnt want to give away the ending! I couldn't believe that i didn't figure that out. But, really this is an amazing book so you need to go read it!
I have read a lot of stories, books, small one shots, all of that stuff. There have been only about 4 things that have made me think. When i say think i mean, its something i can relate to and it makes me think about something that's happened or is happening in my life. Ive had pets that have died and it's crushing. I have a dog who means the world to me and this book made me want to hug her and not stop.
This book has ways of saying things without you realizing it. This book is kind of about religion. It's basted off of how the main character, Billy, leans towards praying and god to help fix his problems. He prays for the help of getting his dogs, and he prays that his dogs don't get hurt. In the end it shows that sometimes things just have to happen and there is no stopping it. That all people suffer or go though something difficult and that it changes who you are. It makes you a better person and how you should enjoy the times your having because they may not last long.
There's this Dr. Seuss that i live by. It's a pretty famous one so you should know it but it relates a lot to the book:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
Im not joking, i literally live by that quote!
Sorry it's been so long guys. So I’m kind of upset right now....
For those of you who don’t know, number 1, I am a huge Victorious fan, and number 2, tonight is the last episode of Victorious. This show was one of my favorites, it’s where I was introduced to my idol, Ariana Grande, the place that showed me the amazing movie The Breakfast Club, and the thing that made me laugh even when I was down. Every Saturday I would go over to my grandma’s and we would watch Victorious, we had so much fun. It’s one of those shows you will never forget and you will just keep watching reruns.
I keep wondering what’s gonna happen with the characters. You know, after they graduate. Will Beck and Jade stay together? Will Tori and Andre ever fall in love?Will Trina ever find talent? Will Cat and Robbie ever completely admit their feelings? What’s gonna happen. In my opinion I think:
1-Tori should become a popstar
2-Andre should get a record deal
3-Trina should fall in love
4-Jade gets a directing job for horror movies
5- Beck gets a dancing job
6- Cat gets a singing career
7-Robbie plays the guitar and sings with a band
8- Cat and Robbie get married and start a family
9- Jade and Beck get married and start a family
10-Trina and someone (Sinjin) fall in love
11-Tori and Andre admit their feelings and fall in love
I think that would be good. The song s they sang were all amazing but I think my favorite was Here’s 2 Us and LA Boyz! They are amazing songs.
Here is the song list form the first episode to the second to last.
"Make It Shine"
"Freak the Freak Out"
"Best Friend's Brother”
"Beggin' on Your Knees"
"All I Want Is Everything"
"You're the Reason"
"Give It Up"
"I Want You Back"
"Song 2 You"
"Tell Me That You Love Me"
"Finally Falling"
"Leave It All to Shine"
"Make It in America"
"Take a Hint"
"Shut Up and Dance"
5 Fingaz to the Face
"Don't You (Forget About Me)"
"365 Days"
"Cheer Me Up"
"Faster Than Boyz"
"You Don't Know Me"
"Bad Boys"
"L.A. Boyz"
"Here's 2 Us"
The shows I grew up with are now all over… Hannah Montana, The Amanda Show, Drake and Josh, iCarly, and now Victorious.
For those of you who don’t know, number 1, I am a huge Victorious fan, and number 2, tonight is the last episode of Victorious. This show was one of my favorites, it’s where I was introduced to my idol, Ariana Grande, the place that showed me the amazing movie The Breakfast Club, and the thing that made me laugh even when I was down. Every Saturday I would go over to my grandma’s and we would watch Victorious, we had so much fun. It’s one of those shows you will never forget and you will just keep watching reruns.
I keep wondering what’s gonna happen with the characters. You know, after they graduate. Will Beck and Jade stay together? Will Tori and Andre ever fall in love?Will Trina ever find talent? Will Cat and Robbie ever completely admit their feelings? What’s gonna happen. In my opinion I think:
1-Tori should become a popstar
2-Andre should get a record deal
3-Trina should fall in love
4-Jade gets a directing job for horror movies
5- Beck gets a dancing job
6- Cat gets a singing career
7-Robbie plays the guitar and sings with a band
8- Cat and Robbie get married and start a family
9- Jade and Beck get married and start a family
10-Trina and someone (Sinjin) fall in love
11-Tori and Andre admit their feelings and fall in love
12- They all get reunited after going their separate ways
I think that would be good. The song s they sang were all amazing but I think my favorite was Here’s 2 Us and LA Boyz! They are amazing songs.
Here is the song list form the first episode to the second to last.
"Make It Shine"
"Freak the Freak Out"
"Best Friend's Brother”
"Beggin' on Your Knees"
"All I Want Is Everything"
"You're the Reason"
"Give It Up"
"I Want You Back"
"Song 2 You"
"Tell Me That You Love Me"
"Finally Falling"
"Leave It All to Shine"
"Make It in America"
"Take a Hint"
"Shut Up and Dance"
5 Fingaz to the Face
"Don't You (Forget About Me)"
"365 Days"
"Cheer Me Up"
"Faster Than Boyz"
"You Don't Know Me"
"Bad Boys"
"L.A. Boyz"
"Here's 2 Us"
Ugg, its just one of those days...
So hows everybody? I literally stared at my computer for like an hour thinking about what to write! I couldn't come up with anything, until i sat down and read a story on a website called . Its a site where you go to read or write stories about tv shows, books, ect. Of course with my addiction to Victorious and the power-couple Cabbie i read about that. I also read about NCIS and Beauty and the Beast. It's a great site. I love it! You should check it out, there is stuff for everything and most of the people who write are very talented!
Anyway changing subject, lets do some more Fun Facts!
So here's some more things about me!
So hows everybody? I literally stared at my computer for like an hour thinking about what to write! I couldn't come up with anything, until i sat down and read a story on a website called . Its a site where you go to read or write stories about tv shows, books, ect. Of course with my addiction to Victorious and the power-couple Cabbie i read about that. I also read about NCIS and Beauty and the Beast. It's a great site. I love it! You should check it out, there is stuff for everything and most of the people who write are very talented!
Anyway changing subject, lets do some more Fun Facts!
So here's some more things about me!
- I have never had a cavity
- I have a rottweiler named Daisy
- I can not speak Spanish (i only know a little bit and im scared i might fail my Spanish class next year)
- I have played piano for 8 years
- I love to be warm because im always so cold
- Summer is my favorite season
- I've played soccer, basketball and field hockey
- So far, field hockey has been my favorite sport
- I love to watch lacrosse
- I love romantic dramas and romantic comedies
- People say im great with kids but i dont think im as good as they say i am
- Unlike most teenagers i only have 1 best friend
- I love Ariana Grande
- Before 2 weeks ago i had not had a stomach virus in 5 years
- I hate when people touch me
- I've had a Twitter for 5 years but only started using it about a year ago
- My Twitter name is @kmdemuro99 so go follow me if you have one please!
Ok so here's some fun facts that aren't about me
- Ducks have 3 eyelids
- Hawaii is the only state with its own time zone
- Women blink twice as much as men
- Tigers have stripes under their fur on their skin
- Owls only see the color blue
- The pineapple is a large berry
- lemons have more sugar than strawberries
- 1 tablespoon or cinnamon a day increases your metabolism
Leave some comments on what you think! And follow me on Twitter if you have one please! Bye guys!!!
"Shoot for the moon and even if you miss it, you'll land among the stars." That's the quote of my life. I say it all the time, i tell my friends, i love it. If you think about it, it's 100% right. Life is about taking risks, it's about living life at it's fullest. Go for your biggest dreams, because if you don't, there is no possible way of them ever coming true. If you never try, you will never succeed, right?
So the other day i was re-watching the latest episode of Beauty and the Beast. At the end the main character gives a toast. Kind of a spoiler alert but not really.This is part of what it says:
"You know the funny thing is that Brook and my dad shouldn't even be together. It's true, you know. For starters they are complete opposites. And not to mention, she is a Mets fan, so i dont know how they are gonna deal with that. And then there is the age difference and for a lot of people that would have held them back. Especially given everything we've been through. Not that being with brook is a risk, it's not, she is amazing. But, it's just that being in any relationship is that, it's a risk. It's excepting that there are no guarantees. I mean who knows what the future brings, and going for it anyway. Even if she is a vegan and he eats cheeseburgers. So to my dad and Brook, for jumping in. You guys are an inspiration, especially to me."
And that's dead on. Not just relationships, like love, but also friendships. You never know what your getting into, but you do it anyway because you care. It's the same with life, right. You jump in, not caring what you're getting into, because your with the people you trust. Those 2 quotes do have something in common, if you really think about it. They both practically say:
Go for it, no matter what might happen along the way. Do it before you miss your chance.
So the other day i was re-watching the latest episode of Beauty and the Beast. At the end the main character gives a toast. Kind of a spoiler alert but not really.This is part of what it says:
"You know the funny thing is that Brook and my dad shouldn't even be together. It's true, you know. For starters they are complete opposites. And not to mention, she is a Mets fan, so i dont know how they are gonna deal with that. And then there is the age difference and for a lot of people that would have held them back. Especially given everything we've been through. Not that being with brook is a risk, it's not, she is amazing. But, it's just that being in any relationship is that, it's a risk. It's excepting that there are no guarantees. I mean who knows what the future brings, and going for it anyway. Even if she is a vegan and he eats cheeseburgers. So to my dad and Brook, for jumping in. You guys are an inspiration, especially to me."
And that's dead on. Not just relationships, like love, but also friendships. You never know what your getting into, but you do it anyway because you care. It's the same with life, right. You jump in, not caring what you're getting into, because your with the people you trust. Those 2 quotes do have something in common, if you really think about it. They both practically say:
Go for it, no matter what might happen along the way. Do it before you miss your chance.
I think its safe to say that everyone has that one friend who will make you smile. Even when you day has been horrible, that simple "hi" or smile, just cheers you right up. That's what a true friend is, right? When you can hold up a conversation of hours and never get bored of talking. When you know the perfect Christmas present for them, and you hope that they like it, but really you know they will. When you know them well and you're willing to share your biggest secret. Friends like that are amazing to have, even if you only have one or two. I only have one. My thought is, that as long as you have that one person (other than family) there for you, you don't need 100 more. It's not about how many friends you have on Facebook or how many people sit with you at the lunch table. That one person is your BEST friend and probably will be for awhile. I think these pictures describes it pretty well...
And this one is what my entire post has been about --------->
Whats your definition of a friend?
You know what i hate!?!?! When you get into a tv show and then you find out, it's being cancelled! Uggg i hate that! I get into iCarly, then its cancelled, same with Victorious! I hate it so much!
Ok, so that show i was talking about the other day, Beauty and the Beast, it is amazing! I looked it up to see how many episodes there were going to be and i saw there were going to be 22. I got really excited!
This is Ariana Grande singing at the age of 11. Tell me this isn't great! Jennette McCurdy and Ariana Grande are getting the lead roles in a spin off of iCarly and Victorious called Sam and Cat!! I cant wait for it! I think it come out sometime between January and March! Watch this video and comment on how you liked it! Oh, and for those of you who don't know... I LOVE ARIANA GRANDE!!!! Just thought you should know that! Lol,now going back to homework bye!
Ok, so that show i was talking about the other day, Beauty and the Beast, it is amazing! I looked it up to see how many episodes there were going to be and i saw there were going to be 22. I got really excited!
Ok, so i have a favor to ask... its not much... haha no i just want you to watch a video for me! I found this guy on YouTube who covers songs on the piano... and when i say covers i mean, rewrites them to make them more classical but still amazing! He is... i don't know what to say! You need to look him up and watch this video! It's a cover of Alex Clare's song "Too Close"! I love this song and he made an amazing cover of it! Please watch it, i think you will enjoy it!
So anyhow... i just went back to school today... grrr! When is spring break again? Haha! Ok, so I've recently stared watching this TV show called Beauty and the Beast! It is really good! Basically it's about a NYPD cop, Catherine Chandler (or Cat), who witnessed her moms murder and then was saved from the killers by this beast, as she described it. Years later she still hasn't given up on trying to figure out what saved her and who killed her mother and then gets herself into trouble. This "beast" saves her again and she figures out who he is. Vincent Keller, a presumed to be dead, soldier. Their friendship grows as he helps her with cases and she starts to find out more about his past. She learns that he joined the army and they had tried to change his and others DNA to make them super-soldiers. The experiment went wrong and turned them in vicious beasts when they get angry. They were forces to kill of the men but Vincent somehow survived. He has been in hiding with his best friend J.T. for years. Through the trouble and tough times, they always seem to get through together.
It really is an awesome show. I love it!
So watch that clip i was telling you about it really is good! I hope you like it! Now back to homework....
So anyhow... i just went back to school today... grrr! When is spring break again? Haha! Ok, so I've recently stared watching this TV show called Beauty and the Beast! It is really good! Basically it's about a NYPD cop, Catherine Chandler (or Cat), who witnessed her moms murder and then was saved from the killers by this beast, as she described it. Years later she still hasn't given up on trying to figure out what saved her and who killed her mother and then gets herself into trouble. This "beast" saves her again and she figures out who he is. Vincent Keller, a presumed to be dead, soldier. Their friendship grows as he helps her with cases and she starts to find out more about his past. She learns that he joined the army and they had tried to change his and others DNA to make them super-soldiers. The experiment went wrong and turned them in vicious beasts when they get angry. They were forces to kill of the men but Vincent somehow survived. He has been in hiding with his best friend J.T. for years. Through the trouble and tough times, they always seem to get through together.
It really is an awesome show. I love it!
So watch that clip i was telling you about it really is good! I hope you like it! Now back to homework....
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