
Saying "thank you" seems simple, right? But giving a heart felt "thank you" is one of the most difficult things to do. Working up the nerve to say it to them takes a lot. Then all of the questions... Do you call, text, email, or say it to their face? Do you write out a letter or a note? How do you show that person how thankful you are for everything they did?

I have a friend that i need to thank for a lot of things. After this summer i don't know if i will see her again, and that kills me. Working up the nerve to stand in front of her and tell her everything, how thankful i am to have her as a friend, how much she means to me, all of that, its hard.

For a person like me, showing your feelings, whether its to a friend, to your family, to your crush, is hard. You sit and think about all that can go wrong. How that person will react. If your going to ruin everything or make it better. There are so many "if's". Those "If's" get to your head, and stop you from doing what needs to be done. There are risks in everything that you do. You can screw up everything... but why is this more difficult than everything else?

It's easy to say "thank you" in the moment. Right after someone does something for you. But that "thank you" is simple. It doesn't really mean a lot. I've asked people how to do it. They say just to get it over with. But it's more difficult than that. I've seen YouTube video's on it. But it's always more difficult than that.

I do know what i'm going to do with my friend.

This video is quite emotional. But it gets to the point. It's only a couple of minutes and i think you guys need to watch it. Whoever made this video, they are one great friend...


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