
The phrase that some of us will never forget. The phrase that some of us don't know. The phrase that an everyday man said hoping to save many lives... "Let's Roll."

September 11th, 2001 is a day that every American knows. It's a day that none of us will ever forget. At 8:46 am, a plane crashed into the North Tower. At 9:03 am, a plane crashed into the South Tower. 2,996 people died that day and over 6000 were injured. Phone calls to family member were made as the towers fell, as the planes crashed, and as the NYPD and FDNY rushed in to help.

People say that the crime rate that week dropped to almost 0%. Druggies, bank robbers, criminals, homeless people, everyday civilians, stopped what they were doing to help. The President of the United States at that time, George Bush, flew out to New York City, rolled up his sleeves, got down on his hands and knees, and helped move the rubble. This horrible devastation brought together our communities, family, and friends.

We all know of the towers falling and the people who died in them. The things that aren't as well know are the two planes that crashed into the Pentagon and a field in Pittsburgh. 

Flight 77 was hijacked and flown into the Pentagon. 5 hijackers took over a plane of 53 passengers and 6 crew members. It hit the Pentagon at 9:37 am.

Flight 93 was hijacked and flown towards either the White House or the Capitol. 3 hijackers took over a plane of 33 passengers and 7 crew members. Todd Beamer, an everyday man, and a few others decided they would storm the cabin. They knew it was a 50/50 chance. They could either take control of the plane and land it safely or crash. The very famous phrase, "Let's Roll." was said that day, by Todd Beamer. It was used as the first call to action against terrorism. These men and women risked they're lives for the good of others, more than likely knowing that they would go down in the fight. 

Monuments were made throughout the country of this day. Songs were written after this. People remember those who died in 9/11. It is and always will be a day that we will never forget.


Well the school year is over and summer is here. Time for the beach, getting tan, barbecues, and lots of time with the friends and family.

You know, last year I couldn't wait to get out of school. I couldn't wait for summer. I didn't think about everything I had to lose. This year, I didn't want to leave. I thought that last year was the best year of my life...but I was so wrong. This past year, I have never had more fun. I'm sure that's going to change every year, but so far, this year was the best. Yea, there were some rough spots, some hard times, but I got through it. I met some of the most amazing people, strengthened some really important friendships, and learned who my real friends are. From playing 2 new sports (field hockey and softball) to just having classes with new people, I had a blast. The inside jokes, the stupid handshakes, the drama, it's something I will forget.

On Wednesday, I was late to every single one of my classes. After every class I met up with my best friend and we walked around, just talking. We had yearbook signing periods 1 & 2, and 3rd period started our actual classes. We were about 5 - 10 minutes late for 3rd period. It was great. I'm going to miss doing stuff like that next year.

My school year ended Wednesday. I woke up Thursday morning thinking it was Saturday. I couldn't get over the fact that the year was done. That 9 months went by so quickly and it seemed like there wasn't enough time to do anything.

I guess you never really understand how important taking pictures and making memories is until it's all over. Me... I'm not the picture type. I never have been. Sometimes I'll get in them, but usually I'm the one taking them. I took so many pictures on Wednesday it's not even funny. I took a picture with almost everyone I know and some that I don't. I forgot one person, the person who I'm going to need that picture with in a year or so. I realized that I don't have and pictures with her.

I saw a quote the other day. The beginning is good but the middle and most of the end related to this post.
It said:

As you grow up, you learn that even the one person that was never supposed to let you down, probably will. You will have you're heart broken probably more than once and every time, it's harder. You might even break hearts too, so remember what it felt like when you're heart was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for something an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast and you'll probably lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt. Because every 60 seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you can't get back.

So here's to a school year of learning. To meeting amazing friends. To making memories you will never forget.

Now go out and have the best summer of your life. Spend time with your family and friends. Watch the fireworks over the water. Make new memories. Take more pictures. And laugh way too much.

Have a great summer!!!


Saying "thank you" seems simple, right? But giving a heart felt "thank you" is one of the most difficult things to do. Working up the nerve to say it to them takes a lot. Then all of the questions... Do you call, text, email, or say it to their face? Do you write out a letter or a note? How do you show that person how thankful you are for everything they did?

I have a friend that i need to thank for a lot of things. After this summer i don't know if i will see her again, and that kills me. Working up the nerve to stand in front of her and tell her everything, how thankful i am to have her as a friend, how much she means to me, all of that, its hard.

For a person like me, showing your feelings, whether its to a friend, to your family, to your crush, is hard. You sit and think about all that can go wrong. How that person will react. If your going to ruin everything or make it better. There are so many "if's". Those "If's" get to your head, and stop you from doing what needs to be done. There are risks in everything that you do. You can screw up everything... but why is this more difficult than everything else?

It's easy to say "thank you" in the moment. Right after someone does something for you. But that "thank you" is simple. It doesn't really mean a lot. I've asked people how to do it. They say just to get it over with. But it's more difficult than that. I've seen YouTube video's on it. But it's always more difficult than that.

I do know what i'm going to do with my friend.

This video is quite emotional. But it gets to the point. It's only a couple of minutes and i think you guys need to watch it. Whoever made this video, they are one great friend...