
take a good look at these pictures... The place I grew up going to, the family fun, all of it... it's all gone. Firsr Sandy and now this... It's just not right...

Why is this all happening now...


So i promised picture but i'm having some issues getting them onto my computer. But as soon as i get them on, i will post them.

Now for another matter... YOURS TRULY COMES OUT IN ABOUT 45 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting 3 whole years for Ariana Grande to put out this album and finally it's here!!!

All the jokes, all the teases, all the times she said "Soon"... Well "soon" is finally here and Yours Truly is going to be huge!!!

Well...I'm now going to go fangirl with my friend over twitter and watch every single Arianator die because of the anxiety! So if you love me... go buy the album!!!!!! Please!!!