

I know I keep coming back to GH but I'm completely freaking out right now. My dad says I'm not aloud to watch GH on TV because I should be outside. So now I'm forced to watch them the day after on my computer. So I just finished watching GH. I screamed when it was over. I was waiting for so long for this to happen. I was so excited! He purposed! Jason purposed to Sam! At first I was thinking she was going to say no. Especially when she was explaining all of the things to him after he asked. But the she said yes!

The only bad thing was when Brenda leaft Sonny. That really stinks. Everything is going bad on GH. Their starting to show that love just doesn't last but then you see the happies people on the show proving that everything Molly said to Jason and Sam and everything that is happening, is wrong. It's so sweet but so sad at the same time.

Also above or next too I'm not sure, the musicbox, I'm going to be putting two of the same songs one is an acustic version but I'm looking for a piano/strings version. If I can find it I will put it up. Hope you like that.


  1. WOOO HOOO!! Good news !
    I missed it too so now I have to see it.
    Keep cool honey!

  2. i dont think thats possible. i have t go to a red bulls game and its outside today. in newerk its over 98

  3. I am enjoying your blog so much !
    You write well and draw in the reader...
    well done ! I enjoy Nicholas Sparks'books,too .
    One of my favorite quotes is " All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single,lovely action." James Russell Lowell
    Have a wonderful day !

  4. thanks!
    Also to tell everyone i would follow you all but I'm new and i don't exactly know how so sorry.
